Bible Believers' Newsletter 245

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"We focus on the present Truth – what Jesus is doing now . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this issue of our Newsletter we have drawn the background to our subject from several events in the life of Brother Branham and supported our teaching by quoting his Message.

This Newsletter serves those of like precious faith, and whosoever will receive the truth is welcome to feed their soul from the waters of the River of Life. Everything here presented should be confirmed personally in your own Bible. . .

Your brother-in-Christ
Anthony Grigor-Scott

Agency Disavows Report on Iraq Arms

September 27, 2002 — The International Atomic Energy Agency says a report cited by President Bush as evidence Iraq in 1998 was "six months away" from developing a nuclear weapon does not exist.

"There has never been a report like that issued from this agency," Mark Gwozdecky, the IAEA's chief spokesman, said yesterday in a telephone interview from the agency's headquarters in Vienna, Austria.

In a September 7 news conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Mr. Bush said: "I would remind you that when the inspectors first went into Iraq and were denied—finally denied access [in 1998], a report came out of the Atomic—the IAEA that they were six months away from developing a weapon. I don't know what more evidence we need," he said, defending his administration's case that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was building weapons of mass destruction.

The White House says Mr. Bush was referring to an earlier IAEA report. "He's referring to 1991," said Deputy Press Secretary Scott McClellan. "In 1991, there was a report saying that after the war they found out they were about six months away."

Mr. Gwozdecky said no such report was ever issued by the IAEA in 1991 . . . Many news agencies—including The Washington Times—reported Mr. Bush's September 7 comments as referring to a 1998 IAEA report. . .

To clear up the confusion, Mr. McClellan cited two news articles from 1991—a July 16 story in the London Times by Michael Evans and a July 18 story in the New York Times by Paul Lewis. But neither article cites an IAEA report on Iraq's nuclear-weapons program or states that Saddam was only six months away from "developing a weapon"—as claimed by Mr. Bush. . .

In October 1998, just before Saddam kicked UN weapons inspectors out of Iraq, the IAEA laid out a case the opposite of Mr. Bush's September 7 declaration. "There are no indications that there remains in Iraq any physical capability for the production of weapon-useable nuclear material of any practical significance," IAEA Director-General Mohammed Elbaradei wrote in a report to UN Secretary-General Annan.

Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair on September 7 cited an agency "report" declaring that satellite photography revealed the Iraqis had undertaken new construction at several nuclear-related sites. This week, the IAEA said no such report existed. The IAEA also took issue with a September 9 report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies—cited by the Bush administration—that concludes Saddam "could build a nuclear bomb within months if he were able to obtain fissile material."

"There is no evidence in our view that can be substantiated on Iraq's nuclear-weapons program. If anybody tells you they know the nuclear situation in Iraq right now, in the absence of four years of inspections, I would say that they're misleading you because there isn't solid evidence out there," Mr. Gwozdecky said. "I don't know how they have determined that Iraq has retained this much weaponization capability because when we left in December 1998 we had concluded that we had neutralized their nuclear-weapons program. We had confiscated their fissile material. We had destroyed all their key buildings and equipment," he said.

Mr. Gwozdecky said there is no evidence about Saddam's nuclear capability right now—either through his organization, other agencies or any government. Full story:

They're jumping in Head First

September 30, 2002 — "My dear Colette, don't worry," said Tom Lantos, the California Congressman, as he tried to calm Member of the Knesset Colette Avital of Israel's Labor Party, visiting Capitol Hill last week as part of a delegation of the "Peace Coalition." "You won't have any problem with Saddam," the Jewish congressman continued. "We'll be rid of the "b" soon enough. And in his place we'll install a pro-Western dictator, who will be good for us and for you." Full story:

Hip Hoppers and Black Panthers in the Holy Land

September 23, 2002 — Last week, the Jewish affairs weekly, The Forward, reported that a leading Conservative rabbi in Israel was charging two Orthodox kibbutzim in Israel with discrimination after they refused to admit two Ugandan Jews into Hebrew language programs. . . because they were black. . . Ethiopian Jews say they are often referred to as "primitives," that Israeli hospitals regularly threw out all blood donated by Ethiopians for fear that it was contaminated by AIDS. . .

The Israeli Black Panthers borrowed their name from the American Black Panthers, and the symbol of the panther and the fist was displayed on every banner and T-shirt. . .

Comment: "Jewish" slave traders transported Negroes from Africa to America where they were sold as slaves. "Jewish" 'fronts' later instigated the Civil Rights Movement for their own political ends. Now Israel is reaping what they have sown. Full story:

Afghanistan's Opium Production Rises Sharply

London (Reuters) September 26, 2002 — Opium cultivation in Afghanistan, once the world's biggest producer of the illicit drug, has shot up by more than 2,000 tons since the Taliban were driven from power. Banned by the Taliban . . . Afghan opium production will be between 1,900 and 2,700 metric tons for 2002, up from the relatively meagre 185 tons produced in 2001, before a US-led bombing campaign smashed the Taliban.

CIA logoComment: Last June, British Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the complete elimination of opium poppies from Afghanistan within 10 years." What a laugh! The Taliban had already eliminated 90% of the opium crop . . . in one year for religious reasons! Then along came the pseudo war on terror, the US trashed the Taliban and the opium poppies were quickly replanted—just what the CIA (one of the world's major drug dealers) wanted. The world financial system wanted it also as it can't survive without the flow of drug money through its banks. . . So what chance has Tony of doing this bit for humanity? Like, zero? Politics! Full story:

The Power of the Spoken Word

In 1954 the Lord showed Brother Branham a vision in which his local council would resume some of his land to widen the road. God said, "When you see the surveyor peg out a new boundary moving your gate that will be the sign that you are to move westward".

As you may have discerned, these symbols signified the approaching end of the Laodicean Church Age, when the broad road that leads to destruction would take in the Pentecostals, and the gate or place of God's judgment and entrance into the Kingdom would move once again (Matthew 7:13-14; Deuteronomy 16:1-12; Revelation 3:20).

When that vision came to pass eight years later, the Prophet told his wife, "It's time now, honey, we must turn west".

On December 22, 1962, two days after that vision, while he was standing in his bedroom one morning, he went into the Spirit of the Lord, and saw some tiny little birds sitting in a bush in the form of a pyramid. They flew eastward and a flight of doves arrived from the west, flying east in pyramid formation. God wanted Brother Branham to be conscious of the fact that he would be in the desert near Tucson picking a burr off his clothes, looking back to his church in the east when this vision came to pass. No sooner had the doves flown out of his sight than he turned back west: there was a blast of thunder and he saw seven Angels come to him in the form of a pyramid—signifying that all seven portions of the Spirit that had anointed the seven Church Age messengers would anoint him to unfold the mystery of the Seven Seals. God said, "Turn westward and go to Tucson. You will be forty miles northeast picking a bullheader off your clothes when this vision is fulfilled."

Brother Branham related this vision to his congregation on December 30, 1962, in his recorded sermon, Sirs, is This the Time?

Body of ChristA constellation is made when fixed stars appear to form a separate and specific grouping, usually named with reference to the outline enclosing them such as the Big Dipper or the Bear. In Revelation 1:16 and 20 the seven angels are signified as stars. In his vision, these seven stars formed a pyramid-shaped constellation representing the capstone that was never placed on God's second Bible, the Great Pyramid at Giza. It was never placed for it represented Jesus Christ the fullness of the Word, the Stone that the Hebrew builders and Laodicean churches rejected (Romans 9:33; 11:32; I Peter 2:6-10).

Brother Branham's ministry was to "Restore the apostolic faith" (Malachi 4:5, 6b; Matthew 17:11), and to "Finish the mystery of God" (Revelation 10:7), or as Paul said, "When that which is perfect [the fullness of the Word] is come, that which was in part [PART-Word and a Mediator] will be done away" (I Corinthians 13:10). The revelation of the Seven Seals brought Christ, placing the Capstone that finishes the Building back to earth in W-O-R-D form. Since then the fullness of the Word has been incarnating Christ's end-time Bride when she sees it, to finish the Building in reality.

So we see that the pyramid-shaped constellation formed by the angels was an equilateral figure in which every angle and side was identical. It spoke of perfection when the loose ends of revelation, left unfinished through the death of the Church Age messengers, were gathered up by the Prophet and tied together by the revelation of the Seven Seals.

At the start of January 1963, Brother Branham and his family relocated from Jeffersonville to Tucson, Arizona. One morning he was awakened by the Lord and told to climb up into Sabino Canyon. Kneeling alone with hands upraised, he asked God to show him the meaning of the pyramid of seven angels. Suddenly a sword was in his hand and a Voice said, "This is the King's Sword. Fear not. This is the Third Pull and the vindication of your ministry".

Then on February 28 the Supernatural Cloud prophesied in Daniel 7:9, Matthew 24:3b, 30 and Revelation 1:14 manifest in Arizona's usually cloudless skies. This Cloud was a public witness and "the sign of the end-time" announcing that Jesus Christ would open and reveal the Seven Seals which would bring about His second or unseen (Gk.) 'parousia' Coming (Psalm 19:1-6; Daniel 12:4, 9).

When Brother Branham left Jeffersonville, tradesmen commenced the work of refurbishing his Tabernacle. This work was scheduled to take six weeks after which he had planned a series of meetings to teach on the Seven Seals of Revelation.

Pillar of Fire above Brother BranhamBrother Branham loved hunting and arranged with friends to take in the javelina pig season, which ran from March 1 to 10, before his Jeffersonville meetings. However after preaching "Doors in a Door" in Tucson on February 23 their plans were unexpectedly postponed when he received a three-page telegram from Mr. Ted Kipperman, a Jew in partnership with a Catholic named Ayers who was married to a Jewess. These two unbelieving photographers had been engaged by a Baptist critic, the Rev. Dr. Best, to take his photograph threatening to skin Brother Bosworth in the auditorium of the Rice Hotel in Houston on January 24, 1950. Six photographs of Dr. Best waving his fist at Brother Bosworth turned out to be blank. God would not allow the photographers to dishonour his aged servant. The seventh photograph portrayed Brother Branham overshadowed by the Shekinah or Pillar of Fire that appeared above his head as he spoke. Ezekiel called it "the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord." The telegraph was a deep apology by the Jewish photographer and an appeal to Brother Branham to intercede for his sister's son who was to be executed. So Brother Branham drove to Houston where he entreated the governor in behalf of the boy and his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

On March 4 at a prayer meeting convened by the prison chaplain, long time friend Raymond Hoekstra, he preached "The Absolute." Immediately after service he and Brother Norman drove 1,100 miles back to Tucson for the remainder of the Javelina hunting season. The hunting party pitched camp on March 6 and Brother Branham shot his javelina the following day, March 7. Then on March 8 as he sat on Sunset Mountain picking a goathead from his trouser leg a "blast" went off as seen in the vision.

Now both of these photographers had published insulting remarks about Brother Branham's ministry, calling him a 'hypnotizer.' Whilst the upshot of the debate was that God honoured Brother Bosworth's witness and Dr. Best's folly was manifest before thousands. Many from his own denomination testified to having received God's healing during the meetings that week. At the conclusion of the debate when Brother Branham took to the platform to close the meeting in a good spirit, the Shekinah appeared above his head as displayed in the image.

God used the unbelieving Dr. Best and the two photographers as witnesses to photograph the Pillar of Fire, develop the film and have it scientifically examined, certified authentic and registered for copyright. He turned their unbelief to His glory. Mr. Kipperman asked and obtained Brother Branham's permission to reproduce and sell copies of this by now famous photograph for a fair price. When he was found to be overcharging by some two hundred percent, Brother Branham stopped him from selling at his meetings.

"It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Now here was Mr. Kipperman pleading with God's Prophet, William Branham, to intercede in his behalf for the lives of his family. "Strike not My anointed, and do My prophets no harm." By the grace of God and the Spirit of Christ in His prophet, their death sentences were commuted to imprisonment. When Brother Branham preached "The Absolute" in Brother Hoekstra's Tabernacle that night he said, "I knew that those children were facing death, I thought if something would happen to those children I would never forgive myself for not coming here to give my opinion, and doing all that I could to help this mother and father of these children, and to do all that I could for the saving of their lives. And Houston is a memorable place to me. . . Mr. Ayers, Mr. Kipperman, the night that the camera proved that I wasn't telling anything that was wrong: it was truth. And when the mechanical eye of the camera caught the . . . reality, the Christ that we preach and so love was with us, that He promised to be with us. And the camera took His picture" (John 13:3).

William BranhamUpon Sunset Mountain forty miles northeast of Tucson, and having already shot his pig, Brother Branham directed his companions to a place where they should find some pigs he had spotted. Climbing a vantage point he sat down to rest, and plucking a bullheader off his trouser leg he realized he was in the vision but seeing a herd of hogs on the mountainside opposite he threw down the bullheader, shouting, "I'll get them, I'll hang a piece of paper on this ocotillo to let you know which way to go, and we'll get Brother Fred."

He set off for the other mountain running as hard as he could when a sudden blast shook the whole country. He thought he's been shot, but there before him stood a constellation of seven Angels. When he met the brethren later they asked, "What was that?"

He replied, "That was the vision [I reported in Jeffersonville on December 30, 1962 in the sermon, Sirs, is This the Time?]. I'm returning home, for THUS SAITH THE LORD, God is going to unfold those seven mysteries that have been sealed in the Bible for all of these years".

The seven portions of the Spirit returned to the throne of God as signified in Revelation chapter four, and the mercy seat became a judgment seat. The elders were calling for a Kinsman Redeemer to claim the Title Deed to redemption and open the Seven Seals. God was about to anoint His Prophet to stand in the breach (see diagram) between the finished PART-Word divisions of the Body and the Capstone, to faithfully declare the revelation of the Seven Seals as Christ inspired it to him so that His end-time Bride could cross the chasm to their place in the Capstone of the fullness of the Word without a Mediator.

Leaving Tucson on March 13, 1963, he returned to Jeffersonville where he delivered the revelation of the Seven Seals from March 17 to 24—ten days after the visitation of the angels on Sunset Mountain on March 8, and seventeen days after the heavenly sign (that appeared to the public on February 28)—God revealed them to Christ Who revealed them to Brother Branham under the seven successive anointings of the Spirit as signified by the vision and visitation of the seven angels. And when John was caught up in the Spirit into the Lord's day he looked back to man's day and saw and heard Brother Branham expounding these visions and wrote the Book of Revelation (Revelation 1:1, 11).

As John foretold in Revelation 3:14-22 the churches of Laodicea rejected the revelation of the Seals which was Christ's unseen second or (Gk.) 'parousia Coming in the fullness of the Word, and put Him to an open shame outside their doors.

pyramid-shaped rock cur out by the WhirlwindOne year later, Brother Branham returned to Sunset mountain in the Coronado Forest for another javelina hunt, and on March 25, 1964 while walking in a westerly direction (toward the future) with his friend Banks Wood, God told His Prophet, "Throw up a rock, and say to Mr. Wood, 'THUS SAITH THE LORD, you'll see the Glory of God'" (Jeremiah 51:63-64; Revelation 18:21).

As Moses held his staff in faith over the Red Sea Brother Branham's action in throwing up the rock as the Lord had commanded caused a vortex as it fell, symbolizing the whirlwind that would manifest. The following day whilst the party was in camp, it came down and blasted pyramid-shaped rocks from the mountainsides which cut the tops off trees about three or four feet above his head. It made three big blasts, and fifteen brethren ran over asking, "What was that?"

Brother Branham said, "Judgment is striking the west coast." God shook the whole world, warning what He will do on a greater scale, when two days later, on March 28, 1964 an earthquake nearly sunk Alaska (65-0725E, What is the Attraction on the Mountain? par. 143-148; Luke 19:40).

Lest any should underestimate the power of the 1964 Alaska earthquake, it was reported in the Virginian Pilot (November 12, 1967) that it actually moved mountains. It temporarily raised the level of the Mississippi River, and sent a seismic wave as far as the Antarctic! "The Commerce Department's Coast and Geodetic Survey—more than three years after the Good Friday disaster—is still gathering data on the effects of the strongest earthquake ever recorded on the North American continent," states this Associated Press story.

Some of its findings are incorporated in a technical report issued by the Environmental Science Services Administration. It said some Alaskan mountains subsided because of the quake; that the sea floor in one area rose as much as fifty feet and a seismic wave was recorded in the Antarctic twenty-two and a half hours after the quake.

"This giant wave," the report said, "had travelled 8,445 miles at 430 miles an hour. The earthquake caused one hundred thirty-one deaths and more than $750 million in damage not only in Alaska but along the US Pacific coast as well".

Here are some findings from the report: "The Mountains on Kodiak Island and the Kenai Peninsula and the Chugach Mountains near Prince William Sound subsided seven feet or more. Earlier surveys revealed that some Kenai Peninsula Mountains shifted laterally about five feet".

"The ocean floor rose in an area 480 miles by 127 miles with the highest upheaval fifty feet—the biggest ever recorded—between Kodiak and Montague Islands. Shock waves oscillated the water as far away as Key West, Florida, 3,968 miles distant. Surges of water began along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas between thirty and forty minutes after the quake" (Edgar Cayce on Prophecy, by Mary Ellen Carter, p. 68; ISBH 0-446-34223-8).

This earthquake warned of the massive earthquake Brother Branham prophesied will sink Los Angeles: "Fifteen hundred mile chunk of it three or four hundred miles wide will sink maybe forty miles down into that great fault out yonder one of these days, and waves will shoot plumb out to the state of Kentucky. And when it does, it'll shake the world so hard that everything on top of it will shake down" (65-0822E, A Thinking Man's Filter, par. 145).

Brother Branham said, "this big earthquake happened in Alaska [on Good Friday March 27, 1964, as a token of the earthquake that will sink Los Angeles] and that would be the beginning of the sign of time" (65-1125, The Invisible Union of the Bride of Christ, par. 302; Matthew 24:3b). The fracture began in the Aleutian Islands; scientists interviewed on television traced a 1,500 x 300 – 400 mile segment of earth's crust that will sink beneath the Pacific.

Presumably the New Madrid Fault Line parallel to the Mississippi River will become active, dumping waters from the Great Lakes through the State of Kentucky and forming a large inland sea all along the present Mississippi River—sinking much of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, portions of Georgia and Texas.

Furthermore the Prophet said, "I think that England would be sunk someday beneath the ocean. . ." (64-0726M, Recognizing Your Day and Its Message, par. 147). And, "here on the (Florida) coast, which we know will someday go beneath the ocean, and there won't be a stone left upon another. . ." [as when the Lord destroyed the Temple in AD70] (64-0415, Christ is Identified the Same).

"Nature is groaning. Everything seems to be out of cater. The sun doesn't shine like it used to. Science tells us that the world is bulged out so many feet in the middle and that's making the ocean more shallow in the center and deeper towards the North Pole and the South Pole. . . The stars are not in their orbits as they should be, and everything seems to be out of cater. It's all waiting, groaning for that day of perfection, when our Lord Jesus shall come and perfect everything that's imperfected" (59-1120 and 64-0415, A Prophet like unto Moses, 60-0722, Watchman What of the Night).

Now although Brother Branham was a vindicated covenant prophet with THUS SAITH THE LORD, his is not a lone voice when it comes to these matters. In 1937, seventeen year old Joe Brandt recorded this series of visions he saw when he was hospitalized following a fall from his horse.

"For some time it has been known scientifically that a good portion of the coast of California is just a shell that projects out over the water like a shelf. It is known that one can go out from the shoreline a short distance on the California coast and then it just drops off, there seeming to be no bottom. The largest part of California is washed out underneath. There are only upright supports holding the coastline of California. Scientists inform us that the coastline of California is moving northwest at the rate of two inches a year. This places a great strain on the San Andreas Fault which extends from Lower California to Palm Springs, near San Bernardino, then over to Palmdale and extending up to the San Francisco Bay area and to Point Arena. All this land west of the fault is moving every year. The stanchions or supports cannot move, as they are part of the ocean bed, making it necessary for them to incline or tip".

"One day these supports will tip enough that they cannot bear the weight of the land. This will be at the time of a Great Earthquake. The west side of the San Andeas fault will break off and slide into the sea." (Mark Hazlewood, Blindsided, Planet X Passes in 2003, Earthchanges, p. 83).

This is pretty much agrees with Brother Branham's THUS SAITH THE LORD. When I was ministering in Holland back in about 1987, Pastor Harry van der Stel told me he had seen a television interview with the captain of a Russian submarine who said he had taken his vessel many miles inland beneath the city of Los Angeles, and that the whole of the coastline was hollow and supported only on pillars of rock that rise from the ocean floor.

In Newsletter 221, speaking of the great spasms of nature at the manifestation of the Sixth Seal, we wrote: "This convulsion of nature, will be induced perhaps by a planetary alignment, a conjunction with the tenth or twelfth planet which passes between Earth and the Sun over about 90-days, inducing Earth's crust to slip over its molten core as it passes, so that the stars appear to fall to earth or prostrate themselves, and instantly flash freezing all life in the new location of the poles. The most accurate calculation for Planet X and its latest co-ordinates point to its next passage in springtime, or May, 2003. As this planet glows red, when it eclipses the Sun it will cause the Moon to appear blood red". We went on to quote the Sixth Seal of Revelation 6:13-17.

It has since been brought to my attention that Planet X, which has been diligently sought by many notable astronomers over the centuries, remains very much a hypothesis. Here is a sample of some negative comment:,,

However, the details of Newsletter 221 remain generally unchanged there will be a planetary realignment, seemingly without the elusive Planet X. Even so, the Sixth Seal will open with natural catastrophes that include earthquakes greater than any since man has walked this earth (Revelation 16:18-21) and tidal waves (Luke 21:24). At the close of the Sixth Seal, earth's crust will break up like Humpty Dumpty after his fall, and fresh lava will resurface the planet. Let's read what the Prophet has said:

"Anyone knows that the world, positionally, everything's setting in order for His coming: "Earthquakes in divers places; the moon is spurting out red blood, or red volcanic all over it, covering it." As Jesus said, watch for that sign in the last days: "sea a roaring, men's hearts failing for fear, and perplexed of time, distress between the nations" (64-0618, The Presence of God Unrecognized, par. 113).

"The hour is come when God will destroy them that destroy the earth. . . The world is . . . trying to bring forth a new world for the millennium where all this sin is purged out . . . The Sixth Seal lets her go! Brother, the earthquakes burst open, and the stars shake; volcanics will come forth, and the earth will renew itself. New lava will break forth from the center of the earth, and she'll crumble all around and around and around when she spins out in yonder" (63-0323, The Revelation of the Seven Seals, par. 436-436).

"The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. All your scientists, and you people who are depending on some great scholarship or something another telling you how to split an atom, it can't give you Life. There's nothing can give you Life but the spoken Word of God. It's the only way that Life can come is through His spoken Word".

"That's all right, to know how to split a atom; I wish they'd never found it out. It had to happen to burst these big holes in the earth to let that lava come forth and rejuvenate this world again to make a new earth, where righteous will walk out upon the dust of the wicked, where sin will be forgotten. Everything has a way of renewing itself. And man who was given to live on this earth, by his own wisdom, taking the Tree of Knowledge instead of the Tree of Life, he'll destroy the earth God gave him to live on. But those who are still on the Tree of Life will come to a new heavens and a new earth where there is no sickness or death. Light, Light, Lord, send us Light" (63-1229M, There is a Man here that can Turn on the Light, par. 95-96).

"Moscow, could direct their missiles, guided by the stars and radar, could land that bomb exactly on Fourth Street in Louisville if they wanted to. That's right. And we can stand out there in the sea somewhere, on our ships, and direct one right straight on the capital of Moscow if we want to. What would happen, my brother, if that great missile turning would take place, and this country would receive a shake? At the same hour we'd turn loose the same things and shake it to the other side. And we're living on a little, bitty, tiny, thin crust, anyhow, when the earthquakes have eat around and eat around until it's like hollowing out an egg. If she'd make one big burst and this eight-thousand-miles-thick of lava would spurt into the air, it would do exactly what God said would take place" (57-0417, The Second Coming of the Lord, par. 48).

"I saw the United States as one smoldering burnt-over place. It will be near the end . . . President Franklin D. Roosevelt took America to England's tea party. That's right. Germany never picked on us." [Neither did the Palestinian Arabs and Hebrews whose land we stole and gave away to those non-Semitic, anti-Semitic Mongolian so-called "Jews"; Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Rhodesia, Belgian Congo, South Africa, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, the Sudan, Bosnia, Serbia, and scores of other nations the United States and other "Jewish" surrogates have "picked on" since World War II].

"Women, given the right to vote, elected President-elect Kennedy—by the woman's vote, the wrong man, which will finally be to full control of the Catholic church in the United States; then the bomb comes that explodes her." Brother Branham blames it all upon "hybreeding" (60-1113, Hybrid Religion, p. 6:4-6; 21:7; Genesis 3:1-15).

"I believe, one of these glorious days, when this united confederation of church goes together, and the new pope is brought out of the United States and put over there according to prophecy, then they'll form an image like unto the beast. And I tell you, the true Church of God will be driven together. The real, true believers out of Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Nazarene, Pilgrim Holiness, whatever they'll be, will go together cemented by the love of God, that'll make the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ, all the believers. And agnostics and shallow-minded will be cast to one side; they'll go right on into the confederation of churches" (54-1219E, The Acts of the Holy Spirit, par. 87). "Not only will the world systems crumble, but the very earth will be shaken and then renovated for the millennial reign of Christ" (An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, p. 320:3).

From these quotations we understand that the process of earth's self-refurbishment for the millennium will commence with earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis at the end of the Gentile dispensation and that the redness of the Moon will be caused by volcanic dust over the Moon. But God always lets man destroy himself, as he did at the time of the Flood. The catalyst to the annihilation of all life and the obliteration of man's works will again be nuclear, as it was in the days of Noah.

Whatever causes the natural sun to "go down at noon" cannot be an eclipse (Amos 8:9). Nor can there be an eclipse when the natural moon is full, as it will be at the time of the earthquake that marks the close of the Gentile dispensation and as it was at the first crucifixion. Isaiah 24 prophesies this period of judgment which after the Millennium, general resurrection and White throne judgment will culminate in the destruction of all evil and the physical restoration of all things in a new heavens and new earth. nl245.htm

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Brother Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister who has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations overseas. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.

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